5 Ways Of Communication When Suffering Deafblindness
Communication becomes more difficult with deteriorating hearing and vision. Disability Housing Options Melbourne can help along with equipment like hearing aids. Communication between deafblind people is primarily based on clear speech. Keeping your communication clear, at an appropriate pitch and pace for the individual, and eye contact so they can lip-read can help reduce frustration. However, people with hearing and sight loss may need alternative communication methods if they cannot do this. It can be an even greater challenge and a source of fear for someone with dementia. As dementia progresses, it becomes harder for someone with dementia to learn a new way of communicating, so early detection of sensory loss is vital. It is still possible to facilitate communication if this isn't possible. 1. Note-Taking Even blind, you can still read large, clear letters in a thick pen with a magnifier, maybe even without any help. Try different paper and pen colors and different lett...